W najbliższą niedzielę 13.09.2015 w Wyboston Lakes (UK), tuż po nowiu i zaćmieniu Słońca (o godzinie 10.15), będę miała wykład o sekretach ósmego domu na 47. Konferencji Astrologicznej Brytyjskiego Stowarzyszenia Astrologicznego. Serdecznie zapraszam!
During the upcoming AA Conference 2015 in Wyboston Lakes (UK) I will have a talk on the secrets of the 8th house - on Sunday 13th September at 10.15 a.m., Room 2. Pleas, come and share your 8th house experiences! The Secrets of the 8th House: The 8th house is quite infamous among astrologers. Throughout the centuries it has been considered a house of loss, fear and even death. In the 20th century, humanistic astrologers assigned big money, sex and hidden, sinful pleasures to this house. However, is it really as black as it’s often painted? I shall investigate its old and new meanings and look at examples of how they have changed over the past few centuries. The lecture is for astrologers of all levels.
Tagi: astrologia, horoskop, Izabela Podlaska